CKC Kit Build, June ’24

I love kit building and that is why I am on the design team for the Counterfeit Kit Challenge project. We take an inspiration kit each month and proceed to replicate it, or as we say, counterfeit it. This is a free, friendly group that helps inspire you to use up supplies you already own. We are not about needing to buy the latest and greatest thing (though we won’t stop you if you enjoy new crafty goodies😉 ).

The year is half over? Already? I’m not ready for it to be June yet. Nevertheless, time waits for noone. So that means we need to build a new kit for a new month. Luckily I used up all my papers from last month and I am ready for some new goodies to play with.

Before we get to that, Let’s welcome our guest designer for June. Mel Walkden will be joining us. I know Mel from various crafty adventures so I’m happy to welcome her here. She is very active in the crafty world. You can find Mel on her YouTube channel and on Instagram. I know she is active on Facebook as well so you can use her socials to find her there also.

Now we can get to the paper stuff. To start, here is our inspiration kit. It is the Vintage Artistry Sunburst collection kit by 49 and Market. Our CKC team member hosting this kit is Laurie and she chose this bright and sunny collection to lead us into true summertime.

I was inspired by the bright color palette. I really don’t use colors this bold typically. But I’m feeling ready for the sunny warm colors. I really had to think about what I had in my stash that would meet this bright challenge.

So these are the papers I came up with. There are just a couple 49 & Market papers since most of my other stash from them was in softer color tones. I fleshed out the papers with lots of Vicki Boutin and a bit of Amy Tangerine. I didn’t over do it with my paper choices this month. I’m really hoping I can use up the entirety of it again this time! I love killing my kits. I will add in solid black cardstock for matting elements since that is my go-to layering right now. Plus the inspiration kit has pops of black so I will lean into that.

As for embellishments here is the pile of supplies I pulled. I know there is no way I can bash that stash, but it gives me options depending on the stories I end up scrapping.

I did get in some of the softer colors from my stash to fit in here. Plus I have added purple based on my 49 & Market and Vicki Boutin choice. Notice however that I didn’t add anything tropical or nautical in nature. I didn’t think I’d be able to use those elements this month. However I did collate a collection of stamps with imagery in that theme just in case. I’m calling those stamps my Nautical Add-on. So as the final elements to my kit here are my alphas (very basic) and my add-on stamps.

Don’t forget that each month I also create my own elements to add into my kit. Of course these are inspired by the original kit, but often have a twist of their own. So don’t miss what I will make in just a couple of days.

There is a tradition over at CKC of titling our kits just like companies do. For the literal burst of color some of the papers have, I’m calling my kit…

Sun Sparks

If you want more details on my kit building thought process, check out my kit build video.

I hope you can follow along with the other designers and see how they interpreted their own kits.

Here’s the full hop link list

Have fun kit building and don’t forget to show off your stuff over on the CKC Facebook group, or tag us on Instagram @counterfeitkitchallenge or use #counterfeitkitchallenge.

I’ll be back on the 4th, for our Product Forgeries. Until then, have an artful day!

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